No delivery without species-appropriate husbandry basis!
Please note that we only give our rare and protected Radiated Tortoises to people of legal age with suitable infrastructure. The presence of a species-appropriate indoor and outdoor enclosure with garden is essential for the Radiated Tortoise's welfare. It is not our philosophy to sell our Radiated Tortoises to unprepared amateurs, dubious pet dealers, strange resellers, prestige-addicted freaks or other people without any housing basis.
Due to the high demand and in order to set an example of mutual transparency, we prefer interested parties who can first provide us with a photo of their husbandry situation (photo of indoor enclosure / outdoor enclosure / tortoise garden / lighting technology used, etc.) before purchasing. We do not do this out of curiosity or to criticize other husbandry situations, but to ensure to some extent that our offspring have a good start in their new environment from the outset and find a species-appropriate husbandry situation in the long term. It goes without saying that any pictures sent and any correspondence about them will be treated with absolute confidentiality.
If you do not have any experience with the housing of Radiated Tortoises, we recommend that you first inform yourself in detail about the necessary housing parameters. Beginners are also welcome to visit our breeding station in Muotathal, Canton Schwyz, Switzerland before the purchase to get an impression or overview of the necessary infrastructure. Viewing appointments by appointment only. We are also happy to answer questions about housing and breeding Astrochelys radiata in person.
Zoological and botanical gardens, museums, universities or other official and public institutions with an educational or research mission have the possibility to purchase specimens from our breeding at special conditions or to take them as a loan with a hiring contract. A delivery takes place only after detailed examination and consultation with the respective institution.
Before making a purchase inquiry, please also note the information available under the heading of Checklist listed points!
GE: ACHTUNG! Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir grundsätzlich keine Tiere in eine ungewisse oder suboptimale Haltungssituation abgeben. Wir behandeln vorbereitete und transparente Interessent*Innen, die mit ihrer Anfrage auch gleich ihre Haltungssituation dokumentieren, bevorzugt und prioritär. Oberflächliche Anfragen ohne Nachweis einer artgerechten Haltungsbasis können nicht berücksichtigt werden. Wir danken für ihr Verständnis!
GB: ATTENTION! Please note that as a matter of principle we do not hand over animals to an uncertain or suboptimal housing situation. We give preference and priority to prepared and transparent interested parties who also document their husbandry situation with their enquiry. Superficial enquiries without proof of a species-appropriate husbandry basis cannot be considered. We thank you for your understanding!
FR: ATTENTION! Veuillez noter qu'en principe, nous ne remettons pas d'animaux dans une situation d'élevage incertaine ou non optimal. Nous traitons en priorité les personnes intéressées qui sont préparées et transparencies et qui documentent leur situation d'élevage en même temps que leur demande. Les demandes superficielles sans preuve d'une base d'élevage adaptée à l'espèce ne peuvent pas être prises en compte. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension !
IT: ATTENZIONE! Per principio non consegniamo gli animali a una situazione di alloggio incerta o non ottimale. Diamo la preferenza e la priorità a persone interessate preparate e trasparenti che documentino anche la loro situazione di allevamento con la loro richiesta. Le richieste superficiali senza la prova di una base di allevamento adeguata alla specie non possono essere prese in considerazione. Vi ringraziamo per la vostra comprensione!
ES: ATENCIÓN! Tenga en cuenta que, por principio, no entregamos animales a una situación de alojamiento incierta o subóptima. Damos preferencia y prioridad a los interesados preparados y transparentes que también documentan su situación de cría con su consulta. No se pueden considerar las consultas superficiales que no demuestren una base de cría apropiada para la especie. Le agradecemos su comprensión.
The following animals are available for sale
Once again for all serious interested parties: Under a species-appropriate housing situation we understand in the summer a sunny garden with a natural outdoor enclosure for tortoises, ideally with a cold frame or another suitable shelter and for the cold season a heated and brightly illuminated interior (eg conservatory, room with breeding pools, large terrariums, etc.). In any case, the technical equipment should include several HQI lamps similar to daylight and a humidifier. Sending a meaningful picture of your outdoor and indoor facility is usually absolutely sufficient. Before making an inquiry, please also read the section Checklist attentively through.
As we always like to take a lot of time for correspondence and evaluating good care situations, the administration sometimes takes a little longer to respond to all inquiries. For a quick overview, the current processing status of the respective copy is displayed for all to see as follows: Available / Currently several interested parties / Reserved (provisionally). You will also find an information button (extended toggles) below the images of the dispensing animals with additional descriptions, details and the price for the respective specimen.
We kindly ask all interested parties with inquiries outside of Switzerland (Europe and overseas) to first look at the category Import/Export to read through.
Contact, availability and price inquiries at Meaningful picture material of the housing situation can be sent by e-mail, WhatsApp or SMS to +41 79 435 93 13 be sent.
Hatchlings 2024
Please note that in hatchlings the ray pattern only becomes visible when the first growth rings appear, at approx. 1 1/2 years of age. Based on the baby camouflage drawing (camouflage), it is not yet possible to make a binding statement about the development of the definitive ray pattern.
All kittens to be sold are in the best of health, active and feed-fast.
It is important to us that our offspring are returned to an optimal husbandry situation and also find a nice place to live in the long term. We therefore only accept inquiries from interested parties who actually have a species-appropriate infrastructure (outdoor and indoor facilities) for tropical tortoises. Please no dealer inquiries.
2022 vintages
The development of the definitive ray pattern is already clearly visible in these juveniles. All juveniles are perfectly smooth and spherical. All kittens are in the best of health, active and feed excellently.
It is important to us that our offspring are returned to an optimal husbandry situation and also find a nice place to live in the long term. We therefore only accept inquiries from interested parties who actually have a species-appropriate infrastructure (outdoor and indoor facilities) for tropical tortoises. Please no dealer inquiries.
2021 vintages
Strong juveniles with clear development of the definitive ray pattern. All juveniles are perfectly smooth and spherical. All juveniles are in excellent health, active and feed excellently.
It is important to us that our offspring are returned to an optimal husbandry situation and also find a nice place to live in the long term. We therefore only accept inquiries from interested parties who actually have a species-appropriate infrastructure (outdoor and indoor facilities) for tropical tortoises. Please no dealer inquiries.
1.2 Subadult specimens
The animals are only sold in pairs or as a group (no sale of single females). We are looking for a species-appropriate, optimal and beautiful place for the animals to live in the medium term (there is no time pressure or emergency sale). When placing subadult or adult female radiated tortoises, the presence of diggable egg-laying sites in the indoor and outdoor enclosure is obligatory. The animals are sold within Switzerland with proof of origin.
It is important to us that our offspring are returned to an optimal husbandry situation and also find a nice place to live in the long term. We therefore only accept inquiries from interested parties who actually have a species-appropriate infrastructure (outdoor and indoor facilities) for tropical tortoises. Please no dealer inquiries.
Single females and high yellows
On request. Only well-prepared interested parties with a picture proof of the husbandry situation will be considered!
High Yellow color variants are extremely rare and accordingly precious! Due to a chance equality and the limited availability one can apply for these trouvailles. We weigh the sale and the definite placement thoroughly and reserve the right to consider only absolutely perfect and professional keeping situations.
General information and terms and conditions
Please note the general information and terms and conditions before making a purchase request.
FAQ on the subject of relinquished animals
It is neither our intention nor in our interest to criticize or badmouth other husbandry situations. From our many years of work and experience with the keeping and breeding of Astrochelys radiata, we simply point out to interested parties before the acquisition of absolutely necessary basic equipment and possible optimization potential to be able to keep Radiated Tortoises healthy in the long term. There is absolutely nothing elitist behind it. Also our own keeping situation could be extended and improved with the appropriate financial means. A constant questioning and optimizing of the own attitude situation always benefits the animals in the end. However, on this homepage under the heading Checklist The points listed below are to be understood as minimum requirements for the species-appropriate keeping of Astrochelys radiata in our latitudes. Our customers will confirm that all those who take our well-meant suggestions for improvement into account and implement them will always be able to purchase a Radiated Tortoise from us. However, animal welfare is not negotiable!
It would be nice.... ;-). However, the reality in our latitudes is that keeping and breeding Radiated Tortoises on a private level already involves such a high financial outlay that not even the basic annual costs for electricity, repairs, illuminants, greenhouses, food, etc. can be covered by the sale of hatchlings. In order to make the breeding of tropical tortoises profitable, the keeping would have to have the dimension of a tightly organized and optimized tortoise farm with several dozens of breeding animals, which regularly lay hundreds of eggs, which could then all be hatched without great losses and the young animals sold. The sales to serious interested parties with species-appropriate husbandry situations is so small in this country, however, that in time they would have to serve international markets, as well as worldwide, unscrupulous animal traders or even markets for food or alternative medicine production.
Today, we see the motivation and legitimacy of private breeding programs in Europe primarily in the fact that through the legal sale of offspring, the natural stocks on Madagascar can be sustainably conserved in the future. The initial joy and euphoria about the first breeding successes gave way over time, however, to concerns about a long-term and species-appropriate housing of all young animals. Most of our offspring do not reach reproductive age due to poor husbandry conditions and many keepers lose interest in building up their own breeding group over time due to the slow change of generations and the great effort involved. From our point of view, keeping and breeding Radiated Tortoises primarily requires joy and interest in the matter as well as some idealism.
In order to check the growth and sex distribution, we always randomly keep single, selected juveniles for breeding and observation in our breeding station. Unfortunately, due to space limitations, we cannot keep all these special holdback animals, so we also give away sexed or adult females and rare High Yellow specimens from time to time. It is a matter of the heart for us that only the best foster homes are considered for animals that we have raised with love and care for years and have built up a personal relationship with! Therefore, don't forget to document your housing concept and the future care situation with your request. With optimal care places it is easier for us to hand over our darlings reassured and with a good conscience. If there are no adult animals available at the moment, keepers who can offer the animals a species-appropriate housing situation will be noted and given priority when they become available again. It is not our philosophy to give away our animals into an uncertain or suboptimal care situation. An optimal, species-appropriate keeping always has priority over the price.
The enumeration of kept tortoise species is for us primarily no proof of a species-appropriate husbandry situation. On the contrary, often behind a large menagerie of tortoises always narrow space conditions, unhygienic enclosures and interspecies associations can be suspected. A tortoise husbandry is impressive when the quality of the husbandry situation for the individual species is more important than the quantity of animals kept. We always find keeping concepts that include generous, natural and species-appropriate space conditions with a professional and clean infrastructure for a few tortoises extremely inspiring and impressive!
In case of purchase of several young animals (at least 4 pieces) and the unsolicited, transparent proof of a perfect husbandry situation, we are happy to give a fair discount.
Yes, we also sell Radiated Tortoises to serious, informed and well-prepared beginners who already have a species-appropriate indoor and natural outdoor facility (garden) before the purchase. We are also available after the purchase for questions about keeping and breeding.
Please respect the need to return our lovingly cared for and nurtured Radiated Tortoises to responsible and reputable hands!
For someone who confidently introduces himself to us with years of experience in keeping and breeding tortoises, it should usually be no problem to show a few impressions from his keeping. In embarrassing foreboding, dubious persons try us however again and again under pretexts to stall and to deceive, so that under no circumstances a picture proof of a species-appropriate husbandry must be presented. Also the often heard excuse that no photos of the facility and the outdoor enclosure are currently available, seems to us in today's digitalized society with SMS, WhatsApp and e-mail rather unlikely. Our experience shows and teaches us that our offspring are in the best hands with transparent, honest and serious buyers. We ourselves are always very open about our husbandry situation, so we believe that we can expect a certain transparency and honest communication from our customers in return.
The keeping and breeding of Astrochelys radiata in our latitudes is connected with a high, financial expenditure. The annual costs for electricity, technical equipment, high-quality greenhouses and year-round, species-appropriate food are considerable. Breeding often succeeds only in irregular intervals and the rearing needs a lot of time, patience and expertise. The regular documentation of the offspring and application for official papers with the authorities is also associated with fees and an administrative burden. Adult, reproductive, smooth, healthy and legal breeding pairs, single females or High Yellow specimens are still rare to buy and consumption on the international markets is steadily increasing. Supply and demand determine the price here as well. Also keep in mind that by buying a legal Swiss offspring at a fair price, you also conserve the natural stocks and contribute sustainably to the preservation and protection of the species.